It was organic, really. There I was, watching “Shrek 2” again, when suddenly it dawned on me: “Shit, this is my favorite movie.” I’m not entirely sure what to glean from this. Am I...
I know what you all are thinking— who’s this “Sofie” girl who just applied for The Every Three Weekly for the first time her senior year? How’d she get onto this paper?! To those people I...
How could I possibly condense the affection I have for each of my fellow editors, the appreciation I have for my unabashedly supportive family and friends, and my immense pride and trust in the...
During my time as an editor, I have been constantly humbled by how funny my fellow editors are, and I have almost always had great respect for their decisions. However, I disagreed vehemently with...
Wow, what a ride it’s been. When the groundbreaking hiphop musical, Hamilton, premiered at The Public Theater over two years ago, who could’ve predicted we’d have to endure a hundred and four...
Caleb, sometimes t r ans l i t e r a t ed as Kaleb ( , בֵלָּכ Kalev; Tiberian vocalization: Kālēḇ; Hebrew Academy: Kalev), is a figure who appears in the Hebrew Bible as a representative of...
At my church, we learned that God forgives all sins, but after what I’ve witnessed on this paper, I’m pretty convinced that the staff of The Every Three Weekly is condemned to burn in eternal...